Åke Tyvi
2005-05-02 11:52:49 UTC
There is a certain risk involved in investing into any nation; if they do
not respect you, nor your values, then they will eventually overtake you
unless you are careful.
There are some indicators to point out some risks involved in supporting
socialist nation, which is ruled by a socialist media circus.
Homeland security should monitor such indicators and commit actions
necessary to protect business values.
Finland gives Florida a punch in self protection
Finland, Helsinki - I visited Helsinki District Court on April 21th 2005. I
was sooned by the government prosecutor (Jouni Perälä or Peräinen;
government is not sure about his name yet, and it is black and white) as a
case witness and for catching a thief.
Few days after giving my testimony on Court I read a newspaper article
explaining Florida Law to be changed in such a way, the one does not have to
escape first before able to protect his or her life. Anyone valuing peace
and privacy understands the value of being able to protect oneself even else
than home or at work. Finland does not serve these values and our government
talks in a very nice tone, but in practice everything works through
socialist government and is a media fake.
Finland takes even one step further in government officials' protection in
stead of protecting state habitants. There is no obligation for
identification of a prosecuted person in Finland. Court and legal
representatives are handling cases on their own without any need in
identification on the prosecuted person.
It is a handy way, isn't it? Just soon someone and make proceedings without
even the one being prosecuted at present, not anyone identifying from who he
is giving a testimony on oath. In the old days they had to connect some face
or name to a physical persons, but Helsinki District Court follows the
socialist court dealing, were is enough for the judge to estimate, what his
colleagues wrote to the prosecution.
So, I went to the court. I was forced to take an oath in from of God, after
I gave my testimony on someone I do not know by name, I was not allowed to
identify him on a photograph and in person. Thus I do not know even now, who
was the person I gave testimony against.
But surely it is as good procedure as Florida's and lot of easier too; in
Finnish handling judge can make judgment based on witness statements not
referring to any particular person. In this way socialists can jail anyone
they please, simply by raising a prosecution against someone and by calling
some other persons to give a testimony on a person they did not know even
Wow, Florida sounds much better place to live.
Huom: Älä käytä tätä tai muuta ao. omistajan nimellä varustettua
sähköpostiosoitetta - soita aina ennen ensimmäistä sähköpostiviestiäsi!
Postiohjelmaan asennettu automaattinen Spam-roskapostisuodatin poistaa
kaiken saapuvan postin pl. erikseen nimetyiltä henkilöiltä, instansseilta ja
yhtiöiltä saapuva posti. Heidän kanssa on erikseen ja etukäteen sovittu
sähköpostin vastaanottamisesta ja lähettäjän sähköpostiosoite on merkitty
pääsylistalle. Kaikki muu saapuva posti tuhotaan automaattisesti ennen sen
Allekirjoittaneen sähköpostitiliä koskevalle pääsylistalle hyväksytään
ainoastaan tietojenkäsittelyalan tutkijat, muutaman ohjelmisto- ja
tutkimusinstanssit, sekä erikseen nimetyt YKSITYIShenkilöt.
not respect you, nor your values, then they will eventually overtake you
unless you are careful.
There are some indicators to point out some risks involved in supporting
socialist nation, which is ruled by a socialist media circus.
Homeland security should monitor such indicators and commit actions
necessary to protect business values.
Finland gives Florida a punch in self protection
Finland, Helsinki - I visited Helsinki District Court on April 21th 2005. I
was sooned by the government prosecutor (Jouni Perälä or Peräinen;
government is not sure about his name yet, and it is black and white) as a
case witness and for catching a thief.
Few days after giving my testimony on Court I read a newspaper article
explaining Florida Law to be changed in such a way, the one does not have to
escape first before able to protect his or her life. Anyone valuing peace
and privacy understands the value of being able to protect oneself even else
than home or at work. Finland does not serve these values and our government
talks in a very nice tone, but in practice everything works through
socialist government and is a media fake.
Finland takes even one step further in government officials' protection in
stead of protecting state habitants. There is no obligation for
identification of a prosecuted person in Finland. Court and legal
representatives are handling cases on their own without any need in
identification on the prosecuted person.
It is a handy way, isn't it? Just soon someone and make proceedings without
even the one being prosecuted at present, not anyone identifying from who he
is giving a testimony on oath. In the old days they had to connect some face
or name to a physical persons, but Helsinki District Court follows the
socialist court dealing, were is enough for the judge to estimate, what his
colleagues wrote to the prosecution.
So, I went to the court. I was forced to take an oath in from of God, after
I gave my testimony on someone I do not know by name, I was not allowed to
identify him on a photograph and in person. Thus I do not know even now, who
was the person I gave testimony against.
But surely it is as good procedure as Florida's and lot of easier too; in
Finnish handling judge can make judgment based on witness statements not
referring to any particular person. In this way socialists can jail anyone
they please, simply by raising a prosecution against someone and by calling
some other persons to give a testimony on a person they did not know even
Wow, Florida sounds much better place to live.
Huom: Älä käytä tätä tai muuta ao. omistajan nimellä varustettua
sähköpostiosoitetta - soita aina ennen ensimmäistä sähköpostiviestiäsi!
Postiohjelmaan asennettu automaattinen Spam-roskapostisuodatin poistaa
kaiken saapuvan postin pl. erikseen nimetyiltä henkilöiltä, instansseilta ja
yhtiöiltä saapuva posti. Heidän kanssa on erikseen ja etukäteen sovittu
sähköpostin vastaanottamisesta ja lähettäjän sähköpostiosoite on merkitty
pääsylistalle. Kaikki muu saapuva posti tuhotaan automaattisesti ennen sen
Allekirjoittaneen sähköpostitiliä koskevalle pääsylistalle hyväksytään
ainoastaan tietojenkäsittelyalan tutkijat, muutaman ohjelmisto- ja
tutkimusinstanssit, sekä erikseen nimetyt YKSITYIShenkilöt.