Finland is about to have 130 milj. EUR debt return from Russia to Bill
(too old to reply)
Åke Tyvi
2005-04-27 10:17:49 UTC

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Dear Sirs,

Bureau of Chancellor of Justice has given a judgment (Dnro 510/03)

were they state, that Valkeakoski (Socialist Republic of Finland)

Police Force Members have not violated law by not making a report of

an offence related to Commercial Act crime on request.

The same statement also does not punish Valkeakoski Police placing

illegal warrant on author, simply because these people are sick

socialists and communists.

The same statement also says Valkeakoski Police has not committed any

crime by letting unauthorised personal access private property not

belonging to them, and it is not a crime for Valkeakoski Police to

give private property to someone not owning this property.

Due to Valkeakoski Police Crimes I have lost my share in over 4

million EUR corporate property, with annual revenue some 10 million

EUR. Lost property has not been returned in full nor has the police

being punished for their actions.

I have gathered over five year time cases from private sector and

they follow the same formula. Seems to me as ex-Nazi-Germany partner

were not punished for its government officials' act, and now we have

(national) socialists sitting as lawyers and police commissioners.

I am asking foreign intelligence to harm or eliminate Finnish Police

Force Members as well as Finnish Lawyers causing private property and

family losses by committing deliberate false judgments to private

sector. Since these government acts are repeating and government

people are using name-lists from which people are picked as victims I

am also asking agencies to import (pl.) peace into this nation for

Business Protection.

Also I would appreciate following commercial actions against Finnish

Decision Makers by foreign capital investors;

1) Strike into our paper and wood industry. Shift Valkeakoski

industry away from this town. It is corrupted.

2) Overtake Nokia, shift it outside Finland.

3) Finland is about to have 130 milj. EUR debt return from Russia.

Bill it out from these decision makers.

I am also asking to more the same amount of property I have lost

aside, since I am not willing to stay in this nation. This has become

another Nazi-Germany image.

Thank You.


Åke Tyvi

datanomi, adult IT-engineering


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Åke Tyvi
Rasinkatu 10 D 144
01360 VANTAA

puh./tel. +358.44.060.3639
sp./e-mail ***@edu.stadia.fi
PGP-avain/PGP-key http://www.curatores.info/henkilosto.html
www-osoite/www-address http://www.curatores.info/henkilosto.html
profile/profiili: https://www.openbc.com/hp/Ake_Tyvi
Skype id: r0100034

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tutkimusinstanssit, sekä erikseen nimetyt YKSITYIShenkilöt.

Åke Tyvi
2005-04-28 16:52:02 UTC
European wide strike - corporation may halt in 12 nation

Finland - The Finnish Paper Workers' Union is planning European wide strike.
Is Finnish paper competitive any longer and what is Paper Worker's Union?

Their www-site says "The Finnish Paper Workers' Union, founded 1906,
organizes all blue collar workers in pulp and paper industry. The main task
is to watch over its members' interests and to negotiate a collective
bargaining agreement.".

The Finnish Paper Workers' Union has left their strike notice. Unless agreed
on terms, the strike will start on Sunday May 15 2005 and would spread into
12 European nations until Wednesday May 18 2005.

Which corporations are to be notified on Stock Board? The Finnish Paper
Workers' Union www-site says "The main companies in Finland are UPM, Stora
Enso and M-real." So watch the Jones going down or bye.

What is the strike all about? Well the blue collars are asking more money
and paper price may go higher again. Last week Finland was shocked by a
pedophile case, were the main suspect had made notes on over 455 cases. This
person was turned out to be a paper worker. Not to say, what too good salary
causes to Finns.

So watch the board closely, if the strike has got any affect to markets at
all. If this is going to en European wide strike and a lasting one, then why
not to overtake these corporations as much as possible?

If I am not mistaken, the Brits already weren't happy to Finns paper quality
standards, or do I remember this incorrectly?


Original news source on strike notice:

Post by Åke Tyvi
Åke Tyvi
Rasinkatu 10 D 144
01360 VANTAA
puh./tel. +358.44.060.3639
PGP-avain/PGP-key http://www.curatores.info/henkilosto.html
www-osoite/www-address http://www.curatores.info/henkilosto.html
profile/profiili: https://www.openbc.com/hp/Ake_Tyvi
Skype id: r0100034
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sähköpostiosoitetta - soita aina ennen ensimmäistä sähköpostiviestiäsi!
Postiohjelmaan asennettu automaattinen Spam-roskapostisuodatin poistaa
kaiken saapuvan postin pl. erikseen nimetyiltä henkilöiltä, instansseilta
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ainoastaan tietojenkäsittelyalan tutkijat, muutaman ohjelmisto- ja
tutkimusinstanssit, sekä erikseen nimetyt YKSITYIShenkilöt.